Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hello, again

Wow, I can't believe it has been 8 months since I blogged. The last 8 months have been jam-packed with change. Last year I completed my final year of medicine and qualified as a doctor. In that time I was also anxiously waiting to be placed somewhere for my two years of internship. Needless to say after being third rounded, crying a lot and feeling hopeless I was placed in Durban.

I've never been to Durban. Funnily enough after one of my final year exams last year April I visited Umhlanga with my mom for 5 days. We did not venture to Durban at all. I think life was already prepping me and showing me signs for my future that awaited me.

At the end of November I was placed in Durban for my internship. I was scared yet excited. I was about to enter 100% uncertainty. Luckily I was joined by my then fiancé. God was good for us and within a week he also obtained a job in Durban.

Shortly after Christmas we made the big move to Durban. I remember driving through the Marrionhill tollgate thinking to myself... "What are we letting our self into? Unknown place, unknown people and away from our comfort zone??"

We moved into a flat in Morningside. Our first life lesson was learnt here. Don't make any property decision to quick. We move into a tiny flat with only one parking thinking to ourselves that we will definitely find some extra parking to rent in our complex. The following morning our one car was stolen.

We were gobsmacked. How could this happen to us? We left everything and everyone that was important to us. How could we be punished like this. That was where I learned how important your attitude is for your our own sanity.

I started working the 1st of January. Started my job with a first through the night call. I left work the following day at 17:00 thinking to myself this cannot be life?

After the car incident we decided to move. Luckily we found a place fairly quickly we could move into the following month. We were still under contract at our previous flat but the owner was very kind and told us as long as someone new will move in there wont be a problem. No one was interested in the flat initially and we did not feel pressured to move thinking we will pay double rent for maybe a month. To our surprise,  on a Thursday evening, were told to be out of our flat the Sunday. I was on call the entire weekend and we could only move into our new place the following week. Needless to say a lot happened that Thursday evening :) Our troublesome path however has been packed full of guardian angels and a family friend helped us move and store our belongings with a days notice.

We had awesome friends and family who supported us through this all. In between all of this we were also busy planning our wedding for April. Life was very busy.

So we moved in February and my mom drove up a new car for my fiancé. She also helped us to unpack our new place. ( Thank you mom)

Our wedding was getting close, work was busy but we managed to survive. Then a fire truck drove into our new car, I scratched my old car. This all happened two weeks before our wedding. By that time we just laughed. We refused that any of this will get us down. Yes, it was difficult but also necessary in a way. Life is though but there are worse things happening in the world.

Now at last after four months our luck has turned around. I am married yay! We have adjusted to work, the environment and no "disasters" have occurred  recently.  If they are coming for us we are ready for them :)

We have embraced Durban and all that it has to offer! I can't wait to share it with you!

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